Physical Rehabilitation

Get relief from whiplash and other pain resulting from injuries with our Active Rehabilitation program. We aim to restore proper movement patterns that can be lost or altered due to injury.

Our Active Rehabilitation program is devoted to get people moving pain free and more functionally in the shortest amount of time possible. Our Doctors and Trainers implement appropriate and progressive individual rehab programs.

In our Active Rehabilitation Program, we aim to restore proper movement patterns that can be lost or altered due to injury. As injury causes us to shift from our optimal posture, this can cause over compensation to other parts of the body as well as altered joint mechanics.

We work to restore the loss of mobility in joints, improve flexibility of tissues and strengthen of muscle groups. In order for our bodies to move efficiently and pain free we must elicit the proper recruitment and activation from our muscles. Joint restrictions and inflexibility can alter this process and produce a dysfunctional movement pattern.

Our team is ready to help you rehabilitate your injuries through a progressive, one-to-one programs consisting of:

  • Core stability – Yoga / Pilates exercise program, Therapy Ball Foam Rollers, Balance Pads, Wobble Boards
  • Strengthening – hand weights, therapy bands, Pulley System
  • Stretching / Flexibility Exercises
  • Cardio training / Endurance Training / Circuit Training.
  • Home Exercise Training/Guidance – All patients are given a Home exercise plan to prevent future Re-occurrence of the injury / pain

Active Rehabilitation programs can be performed in a gym or at home. The benefit of this type of therapy is that you will become educated on rehabilitating your injuries, while improving your overall health at the same time.

Physical Rehabilitation at Midway Chiropractic

  • Educate and Guide patient in self-management strategies and exercises that will rehabilitate your painful injury or dysfunction
  • Receive guidance on reducing health risks, and improving quality of life and well-being.
  • Preventing further injury.
  • Guidance in re-conditioning for sport, work, or daily activities.
  • Provide education on current best exercise methods.
    We will help you become fitter, more mobile and know the difference between pain and exercise discomfort (no pain no gain is not always correct)
  • Exercise is medicine. We provide the appropriate prescription and dose while communicating with your medical doctor

Pain reduction and our integrated approach

Reducing pain signals, relaxing muscles, and increasing blood flow to speed healing are all ways that acupuncture can be very useful in conjunction with chiropractic adjustments. Midway’s many offerings and options for care, including acupuncture, chiropractic, massage therapy, physical therapy, spinal decompression, and others, provide a wide menu of options. Many insurance plans cover acupuncture care; rest assured that Midway is committed to helping patients work with their doctor to craft a wellness plan meeting their individual needs.

Call us today to schedule an appointment at 206-824-9500